miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

12th October

Is Spain national holiday that celebrate the discovery America, every year in Madrid is celebrated a military parade in "Plaza de Colón" , be attented his majesty the King with royal family.
The descovery initiated a period of culture and economy in America. Cristobal Colón made four famous travels and expeditions from 1492, 1943, 1948 y 1502. In the first of them came to Amercia on October 12, 1492.
And much more important is my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Yes, I think your birthday is much more important than the rest of celebrations of that day... Happy birthday!!!

    Ehem... I think there is some problem with the dates...

  2. jejejejeje I don't know I research in the internet
